

Aperghis 280 Mesures for Solo Clarinet

Duo for Oboe and Clarinet by Arthur Berger with oboist Jacqueline Leclair

Bicinium for Two Oboes by Charles Wuorinen with oboist Jacqueline Leclair

Louis Karchin Summer Song

Mario de Leon Sacrament

John Link Concerto

Elliott Carter’s Esprit Rude Esprit Doux with flutist Jennifer Grim

Zephyros Winds Mendelssohn midsummer night’s dream scherzo

Marta Gentilucci Am Grat

Collideoscope Music plays music of Harvey and Wuorinen

St Petersburg International Festival Carter’s Triple Duo

Lou Bunk’s Sixteen Cross Sections of Three Themes

Only Human

Only Human retraces my journey into electroacoustic music over the past fifteen years. It follows my path of curiosity and passion for discovery of new sound-worlds. It is a contribution to electroacoustic music for clarinet, and a testament to the remarkable creativity of six composers.

Five Nocturnes

Each movement tells a unique story. Performed here with violinist, Cal Wiersma and pianist, Jonathan Faiman.

Robert Morris

On the Go(1999) is a concerto for clarinet and a virtual orchestra of computer-generated sounds.

Out and Out, written for Marianne Gythfeldt in the spring of 1989, is concerned with the interplay between the two instruments, the clarinet and piano interact to shape the musical continuity, often doubling each other’s notes and rhythms.

Strange Flowers

In Sonata Rapsodica, composer Kirk O’Riordan invokes an “elasion of spirit” with dark resonances and quicksilver flights of the clarinet poised against jaunty dance figures of the piano.

Morton Feldman

The percussion forms a hazy halo of sound around the slowly pulsing clarinet. Feldman needs just a few notes here, but the subtly shifting sounds and meters create a slowly expanding world. (David Preiser)

Fancy Colors

Licorice Stick Groove was commissioned by and written for clarinetist Esther Lamneck utilizing her improvisational ability both in the clarinet score and for the sample materials used and processed to create most of the sounds used for the electroacoustic accompaniment.


An eclectic mix of favorite recording projects

Sam Sadigursky Etudes

Change of plan

Hit and run

